The first bed up contains the pepper plants. I removed the shade cloth now and they seem to be doing fine. An Avocado tree shades them until the afternoon so they are not getting all day sun which seems to be too much.
The two plants on the left are Fooled You hybrid Jalapenos which have no heat. I love them stuffed with cream cheese and sausage but did not like the heat from regular Jalapenos. The rest are California Wonder Bell Peppers.
Here is a mystery. All my peppers did this last year but after a while grew out of it. The leaves get really gnarled and it seems as if the plant should die but last year after a couple weeks the peppers put out new leaves and grew fine. I don't know what it is. Only this one plant in the bed looks like this. They were all started at the same time with the same mix and fertilizer. They also were all transplanted at the same time. Only time will tell if this one makes it.
The next bed contains the Yellow Granex onions which I transplanted over the weekend. I try to place one by each dripper.
We try to use a lot of fresh Basil, Italian Parsley, and Cilantro with our cooking so I always keep some growing as much as I can. These were all planted at the same time. The parsley takes a bit longer to germinate while the basil seems to germinate almost immediately.
NExt my Roma Tomatoes are doing really well and beginning to get buds on them. I am trying this year to grow less plants but space them properly so I don't end up with a mess.
The next bed contains Cabbage on one end and Red Butterhead lettuce and Toy Choy pac choy under the shade cloth.
Next we have been harvesting Green Beans from these and have had enough to share with some friends. Caterpillars were getting too numerous so I began to spray with some Moterey Garden Insect Spray which is organic.
My Black Beauty Eggplant are growing like crazy but still no pollinated flowers. I tried hand pollinating a few so we will see if it takes. This has never happened before. Every time in the past my eggplants have always produced huge crops. Hopefully this will change soon.
Next the Pineapple should begin to ripen real soon. I don't think I will grow them in pots like this again. Maybe one or two but not this many. Instead I will just plant them anywhere I have a little extra space.
Here my slicing tomatoes are beginning to bloom and we even have a few fruit.
The next bed has Zucchini growing on one end and Detroit Dark Red Beets , Vita Rich Carrots, and Radishes growing on the other end.
Here the Marketmore Cucumbers are out of control. Instead of thinning them like I know I should I just let them grow. I now have several bags of them in the fridge and have given a lot away. Once they start producing they seem to go crazy. You have to check them everyday or two or else you will find one that gets missed about three times the normal size. They seem to get too big like that over nite
And the next crop beginning to climb the trellis.
The Butternut Squash are about ready to pick. Some of them have so mouse damage which occurred a while ago when they were small. They scabbed over though so I think they will be fine. I set out traps and caught several rats and mice. From now on I will have to be more proactive with my pest control.
Finally we have the Pack Man Broccoli and Radishes in this bed coming right along. We have harvested several radishes which have been delightfully mild.
That's all for today.